Dame Stella Rimington

Stella Rimington
Stella Rimington
Stella Rimington


Former Director General of the British Security Service, MI5

Dame Stella speaks about her life and career as former Director General of MI5 and as an international thriller writer. Her clients include major national and international companies, business professionals, the public and private sectors, trades associations and schools.
Her straightforward approach and friendly, candid manner are combined with an informed view and intelligent judgement. Happy to take questions, she prefers to speak “in person” but may accept virtual bookings.
Dame Stella is known to billions worldwide as the role model for “M” played by Dame Judi Dench in the James Bond 007 films. Is it true that Dame Stella’s personal style influenced the wardrobe choices for “M”?
A best-selling thriller writer, Dame Stella has written her autobiography and twelve spy thrillers.
She chaired the Judging Panel for the Booker Prize for Fiction in 2012.

Formerly a Non-Executive Director of Marks & Spencer Plc, BG Group Plc, and an Associate Director of CPS, she was Chairman of the Institute of Cancer Research, Trustee of the Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Trust, and Honorary Air Commodore of 7006 (VR) Intelligence Squadron Royal Auxiliary Air Force and a Trustee of the RAF Museum.
A Governor of Town Close House Preparatory School in Norwich, she has two daughters and five grandchildren.

“From our initial conversation with Diana Boulter, we knew we were in capable and safe hands. She was engaged, engaging, always responsive, really understood what we wanted to achieve from our guest speaker, and suggested that Dame Stella would be absolutely right for our audience. She was! "Inspiring", "inspirational" and "fabulous" are some of the ways Dame Stella has been described by those that heard her speak at our event. We would wholeheartedly recommend DBA Speakers, and Dame Stella.

Stella Rimington

Dentons UKIME, London

Dame Stella was superb. We had an incredible event with global interest which attracted a capacity audience. Brilliant!

Stella Rimington

Bank of America Merrill Lynch

“Dame Stella is exceptionally polished, very professional and inspiring. Her insight and knowledge are outstanding. We could have listed to her all day. Many thanks to Diana Boulter for arranging for Dame Stella to be our guest speaker. First rate.

Stella Rimington

International Bank, London

What a privilege to have heard Dame Stella speak. It was so clear how engaged everyone was in the room by the most fascinating and inspiring talk. I could have listened for another hour on the edge of my seat! Our members left on a high and there was a real buzz around the club about Dame Stella. Our most heartfelt and renewed thanks.

Suzie Imber

The Arts Club, London

Wordcloud generated from Stella's bio


Summary information

  • Former head of MI5
  • Dame Commander of the Bath
  • Honorary Degrees from Universities including Nottingham, Warwick, Lucy Cavendish Cambridge and Exeter.
Book Dame Stella


  • Dame Stella speaks about her life and career within MI5
  • The relevance of her experience in today's world
  • Seriously informative in an amusing way

In Print

  • Open Secrether autobiography.
  • Ten best-selling thrillers featuring MI5’s Liz Carlyle: At Risk, Secret Asset, Illegal Action, Dead Line, Present Danger, Rip Tide, The Geneva Trap, Close Call, Breaking Cover, and The Moscow Sleepers
  • The Devil’s Bargainfeaturing CIA agent Manon Tyler. The second book, The Hidden Hand published in 2025.

Full Profile